Registered Charity No: 1185186

Founder, Jane Atkinson – 07979 691429


General Information

Equality is paramount to the very core of our charity as we champion our vulnerable adults and children for them to achieve, be given opportunities and be treated equally.

Positive Path Foundation promotes equal opportunities for our staff, our services and our volunteers. We live in a world where everyone is different and our members are unique, we place a high level of respect on these differences.

We closely adhere to the Equality Act 2010 which makes it unlawful to discriminate again others, not only in the workplace but the wider areas of society.

Positive Path Foundation do not discriminate directly or indirectly due to:

  • Gender
  • Disability physical or mental
  • Relationship Status
  • Responsibility towards dependants
  • Pregnancy
  • Political opinion
  • Religion
  • Race – colour, ethnicity or nationality
  • Sexuality
  • Age
  • Appearance



The responsibility of promoting equality throughout our organisation lies with the Founder and practised and promoted by all employees, volunteers, third party service providers and members.

Our members all have a degree of disability and can demonstrate behaviour at times that may appear to be inappropriate and not compatible with equality, this could be towards staff, other members or to the general public.  We do our utmost to explain that behaviour of this type is unacceptable and hurtful to others, our workshops cover behaviour towards others and being kind.


Advertising of job post

All job posts relating to our Foundation will run on the principle of equality and chosen applicants will be trained to promote our Policy principles.  Areas covered are the recruitment, appointment selection, support and ongoing training of all staff and volunteers.


Commitment Towards Equality

Positive Path Foundation displays a clear and concise commitment to:

  • Promotion of equality for all our vulnerable members, staff, volunteers
  • Expectation of our third party service providers to respect and abide by our equality policy
  • Treating all vulnerable adults and children with respect and dignity
  • Setting a good example by conducting ourselves appropriately
  • Encouraging positive, respectful and safe behaviour among vulnerable adults and children
  • Taking the appropriate action if necessary, should an incident arise
  • Fulfilling our obligation under the policy codes


Complaints & Problem Resolution

Should a member, volunteer or employee feel they have suffered a form of discrimination, victimisation, abuse or harassment they are fully entitled to raise a complaint with the Founder.  It will be dealt with professionally and in complete confidence.