Whilst daily life can be very challenging for people with Autistic Spectrum Condition, it also often places considerable pressure on those living with and caring for them. It is quite common for parents, siblings and the wider family, to find living with or supporting a person with ASC (even high-functioning autism) emotionally, financially and sometimes physically demanding. This can lead to strained or broken family relationships.
We offer counselling for parents / carers helping them to reach a mutual understanding of autism and associated behaviours, set realistic expectations and agree adjustments and changes that will be necessary for family life to become more harmonious and relationships to be repaired.
An essential feature of our work with families is inclusion: both autistic young person and parents / carers will need to agree adjustments and commit to strategies aimed at managing challenging scenarios in new and more positive ways. This will include alternative ways to communicate to reduce tension and conflict.
For those receiving our services we also provide:
- Reports for PIPS, DLA, EHCP
- Liaison with school and SEN in securing appropriate education provision